First you need to buy ADA on an Exchange. There are several exchanges where you can buy ADA. We have created a list for you of our favourites, prioritized based on our preference.
Create Wallet
In order to be able to stake your ADA with Stake Green, you'll need to transfer your ADA of the exchange. This means that you have to setup a wallet, of which you are fully in control of the private keys. There are several wallets you can choose from.
Transfer ADA from exchange to Wallet
After that you have created your wallet and bought ADA on an exchange, it's time to transfer your crypto. The exact procedure differentiates a bit based on which exchange and wallet you have chosen. In the end it comes down to the following actions:
- Find the deposit button in your offline wallet (Yoroi, Eternal, AdaLite or Daedalus
- Copy the wallet address you’ll find over there to your clipboard
- Go to the exchange and look for the withdraw button
- Select ADA as cryptocurrency that you want to withdraw
- If there is an option to select a network, make sure you select the ADA network
- Enter the wallet address you copied in step 1
- Withdraw all your ADA to your offline wallet by submitting the withdrawal
If you don’t feel confident, we advise doing a test transaction first and withdraw the rest afterwards.